10 December 2010

It's a Boy!

So I’m a dad again, this time the old fashioned way.  I got to watch (almost) the whole process via Skype so it was like I was there, only less messy.  All in all it went how I thought it would and now we have a cute little boy who’s all small and wrinkly. 
Skype was annoying me.  First when I finally was able to get on, which took some work, Skype decided then was the best time to shut down and install an update.  So I sit around for a painful 10 mins, that I used for some reflective prayer, and finally get in.  Then the “fun” started.  Gabe was very helpful and got the camera and some speakers into the bedroom so I could be apart as much as possible.  Holly was squirming and grunting and yelling and all I could do was sit there very antsy and in anguish.  I wanted so badly to be there and take the pain on for her, or at least squeeze her hand while she went through it.  When the little guy started coming, there was a head, then Skype died on me!  The people in the other room must have been very confused when I started yelling at the computer.  After what seem like 30 mins, which was probably only about 2, I got back in and I hear a crying baby.  Then I kept asking, “What is it” because I missed that part.  After about 12 tries I finally found out it was a boy!
Right after I was high on life and went back to work to share the good news but last night I got a bit depressed.  I let myself have a night of being lethargic and melancholy.  Only one night though.  Any more and it could really make this trip drag out.  So now I’m better this morning.  I have a cute little baby and a beautiful wife so life is good.  Speaking of my beautiful wife, she really did look quite stunning right after the little guy was out and she was holding him.  Of course it could be that I haven’t seen a woman in 6 weeks, but I think it’s the former.


  1. Congratulations! I cant' imagine how hard it is not to be there!

  2. Chris that is so amazing!!! I am so glad that technology has advanced at least so that you could see what you were able to you. Just think of all the dads that never even heard about their kids till they got home back in the day. Holly is amazing for having the baby and you are amazing for being supportive of her. God is so busy blessing you guys it is just awesome. I am praying fo ryou and and I can't wait to hear what name you guys finally pick. love you all. Praying that this time goes quickly and so glad that it is now instead of when he is a little older and would miss you just as much as you miss him right now. I know your little other little ones are probably going crazy without you.

  3. Chris he is so amazing! I was in tears in the middle of a resturant yesterday when I found out! (Almost gave my boss a heart attack, but that's another story) I look at him and I see a beautiful boy who is so lucky to have been born to two wonderful loving parents such as yourself. I am so glad you were able to watch God's amazing gift to us. And from my past experience women always seem to have this glow about them right after a baby is born.
