25 June 2010

What’s Wrong with This Country?!

The United States used to be a beacon of hope for those around the world.  We used to be a refuge for those in other lands facing hardships because we were a free society and were based on a very solid, clear-cut set of principles.  I mean country after country has modeled their own government after ours.  Now with the introduction of lawyers and politicians those principles are thrown out for each one’s subversive agenda.  And the problem is that We, the American people, don’t know enough and/or don’t care enough to call the Powers-That-Be on it when they try to do something that’s obviously morally or legally wrong!  Let me give you a few examples that I’ve seen.

A few years back I was in a Political Studies online class.  Before the class even started, there was an open discussion between another student and myself about the roles of government.  My statement was, “I’m sick of judges with an agenda out there making laws as they want.  That’s Congresses’ job to make laws, it judges’ to interpret them.”  At this point the teacher jumped in and posted something to the effect of, “I’m so glad you’re in this class Chris, I think you’ll learn a lot” thus implying I was in the wrong!  Now, I’m not a (third-rate) “professor” at a (crap) (online) “university”, but I’m fairly certain that I learned, IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, the way that government was “supposed” to work.

I recently came upon a story about a publishing company that has begun to include a disclaimer on the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  The disclaimer stated:

“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.  Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."

I’m sorry, what?!  While this is likely a blanket statement put on all historical works, what moron decided that it was appropriate to apply this to our founding documents?  Though reading the first line, I can’t say I totally disagree.  If it were written today then I guarantee that today’s values would be different.  Maybe what parents should discuss with their children is how screwed up today’s “values” are and that we need to get right and go back to the views written in this “classic work”?

Finally, while there may be the occasional loon out there with misguided beliefs, our elected officials know and always follow the letter of the law, right.  I mean for instance, the President of the United States wouldn’t just be out there say, declaring war on another country without Congressional approval, passing illegal health care laws requiring someone to pay an illegal fine for not buying into a potentially disastrous system, or openly search for ways to circumvent written laws and procedures, would he?

“The Obama administration has been holding behind-the-scenes talks to determine whether the Department of Homeland Security can unilaterally grant legal status on a mass basis to illegal immigrants, a former Bush administration official who spoke with at least three people involved in those talks told FoxNews.com.”
“"The administration at the very minimum is studying legal ways to legalize people without having to go through any congressional debate about it," the source said, calling the senators' claim credible.”

My belief is that a large part of this stems from a total lack of understanding or the desire to understand and know our history.  Americans are very much in the here and now, getting their new iPhone 6G and keeping up with what Dumb and Dumber are doing on whatever trash is passing as television these days.  I get teased about my love of the History Channel (not that it’s any better.  Ancient Aliens?  Ice Road Truckers.  Really?!) but as a student of history, I can see where we’ve been, who we’ve had to fight against and have a very good idea of where we are likely headed.  I have a quote myself that I’d like to share.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

I think I heard that on The Hills or OC or something.  My question is simply this; Is it “necessary” once again?

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